Hope as a strategy


  • Hoping that someone's doing their job (or even knows which part is their job) is rolling the dice with everyone's jobs.


  • A verifiably transparent workflow that progresses without reliance on human memory


  • Hoping the team will correctly de-risk (checking with stakeholders, compliance, etc) - It’s just a matter of time before someone forgets or judges that it’s ok to not - Something blows up, costing the org money or reputation (i.e. the ability to get money) - If that happens enough, we don’t have jobs anymore - Hopefully, it’ll be minor enough for you to learn and then stop relying on trust
  • Hoping specialists all perfectly communicate the readiness of dependencies for other specialists to then pick up (test writing, documentation, localistion, marketing plan etc) - Asynchronous parallel workflows become synchronous series - Time wastes, money burns. If that happens enough, we don’t have jobs anymore - Hopefully, delays will be minor but annoying enough for you to then do something about it
  • In the case where nothing is even being tracked manually, the only way to get a complete picture of what’s happening is literally going around asking everyone every day. Hilarity ensues at scale as armies of people get hired to go around with clipboards.


  • “Everyone is an adult professional that has the team’s interests at heart and will ensure no ball is dropped”. Wrong: - Stress, workload, switching costs, trying to do too many things at once cause people to act rashly or forget to act - People also are perfectly entitled to work their allotted hours and not do anything not explicitly asked of them - Unfortunately, making sure that everything is done across the board lies very much in the extra mile. Generally you’re not going to be paying people enough or doing something important enough to go it.
  • Typically though it’s just because you blinked and grew past the scale where everyone can fit in one room and keep everything in mind at the same time. - Tends to happen after a funding round when you’re encouraged to “deploy capital” and “scale resources”
  • Most organisations also lack anyone skilled at org arch or process analytics


  • Continuous integration has come a long way. Multidisciplinary work has not.
    • Instead of relying on someone remembering what to do or even following a checklist, automate the checklist.
    • Automate alerting when the checklist isn’t followed.
    • Automate telling people they’ve got new work to do
  • If you’re afraid that nobody will listen to the automated checklist, do two things:
    • Design an actually decent process that solves the specific problems of your product org.
    • Crib from best practice but by god if you use scrum with a bunch of greybeards you’ll just piss people off
    • Acquaint them with what happens when a fuck-up occurs due to an ignored checklist