Misaligned on Time


  • Nobody is sure what’s going to happen by what point


  • A common, mutually verified of what is being solved by when


  • Some poor account manager might see an early testing build and tells a customer it's shipping ASAP and be left sweating as bug after bug gets found in QA
  • Marketing can jump the gun and announce a launch date well before something is ready for GA
  • You multiply the drama when the company is actually misaligned on how much of the solution is going to be out by when - product is proud for launching something simple, loveable and complete to only get screamed at for not shipping an enterprise grade solution on day one
  • Generally, market and customer trust gets destroyed and once a cohort is lost, it is lost


  • Usually starts from not having ‘done’ defined
  • This tends to be worst in B2B businesses with high amounts of nontechnical staff, who tend to assume building stuff is an atomic process that just completes the moment code gets checked in
  • As ever, silo’d teams with poor communication skills make it worse


  • Educate everyone on the phases of product development for starters, including the notion of testing and iteration. Drill them on the differences between code completion, review, technical QA, acceptance testing, A/B, controlled availability, general availability
  • Be explicit about what you aim to achieve by when