Denied competition


  • You’ve shot so far past not copying the competition that you’re not aware of them at all


  • Being demonstrably the only company solving a problem as evidenced by the problem only being solved through duct-tape and excel spreadsheets


  • At best: wasting time re-inventing wheels when you could be working on the internal combustion engine in a horse-and-buggy world
  • At worst: missing a non-product reason why your competitor has an unfair advantage and will be able to keep its moat. This can lead to an extremely valuable, operationalised product that doesn’t have a hope in hell of succeeding


  • Can genuinely happen due to everyone being too busy making the thing to look around
  • The hubris of exceptionalism: an honest belief you have no competition - there are very few ‘categories of one’ despite what you’ll hear on a pitch day. Beware Macduff.
  • Problems as they are currently being solved functionally define who is your competitor or not, not whether anyone else is using crypto to do something a database could do perfectly well


  • Compare problems to problems not solutions to solutions. News of a funding round or two usually helps to snap you out of it
  • It is also worth studying how your competitors have positioned and operationalised their products, and profiting from their mistakes