Forgot the mission
- More than one business has built something they have no business building
- A very clear arrow from your product to the way you want to change your market
- The great thing with problems is they create viable business in isolation
- The problem with problems is that you typically need to resource a company around the ongoing delivery of a solution to them.
- If you end up building/operationalising for something outside your core business, you’ll end up trying to build two businesses
- This leaves you stuck with an undersupported second product line that suffers because you can’t leverage economies of scale or customer segments
- Or you end up competing with and cannibalising your primary (hopefully successful) business
- You screw this up, loose good people or overspend and have to fire people
- Multiple entire multi-million product lines have been shit-canned before launch (microsoft courier, google ara)
- If you don’t have a clearly articulated mission, people tend to forget it
- Someone, usually underacquainted with the problem domain, tries to ‘diversify’ or ‘expand margins’
- But also happens if the product team is so lost in the weeds that it forgets to look up
- Build a culture that knows why we’re here, that repeats it often enough to remember and rarely enough so it doesn’t become trite